
Age 20, Female

Joined on 4/10/24

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Floralmoon's News

Posted by Floralmoon - May 14th, 2024

I've lurked around quite a bit, saw some interesting stuff made! and I never officially made like, a first post, so here it is! I draw...a lot, I animate, make comics 9(I have over 6 series and projects I'm passionate about lol), I'm also learning/do a bit of coding so I can make a little game (on renpy anyways), and overall, I just REALLY like to doodle oc art, characters, I do fanart, I also make music!

A few things I like: Art, animation, music, reading, books, comics, big books with mostly words >:D, rhythm games, but I don't like to play them XD, cute things, fairies, Leprechauns, FANTASYYYYY, cool things like sonic and FNF and I've been leaning more towards action stuff, and I LOVE comedy shows and spongebob, chowder, invader ZIM, but I also like stuff like Bee and puppycat, care bears, MLP (Most generations), sonic toons and the sonic movie, webseries and fan AUs (SOMEtimes), and character designs and concept art and visual novels and anime (Most times) and, and uhm, I'm rambling but I am a huge toon/art nerd and I also love vaporwave >:D I like adult comedies like Rick and morty, Dan vs., Panty and Stocking, a few live action shows like Brooklyn 99, Psych'd,

I'm a little bit of a furry, but I draw mostly humans, or just, mostly anything like, humans, robots, fairies, creatures, aliens, anthros, angels, demons..

I forget things sometimes :))) cause OoooOh, brAIn dAmage lmao

I don't like political stuff

I like a bit of suggestive stuff, but not extreme nsfw,

Oh oh, I also like JSAB close to your heart, a fan comic I immediately fell in love with :D

I'm also a big fan of magical animes!

Anyways, I think that's all,, for now?
